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Learn if Kloudation is the right solution for your business. Our engineers will answer any questions you may have about our solution and can provide a no-obligation evaluation of your business.

Remotely Managed IT with Cloud Computing


Kloudation was created to help small and mid-sized businesses move from tradition IT to cloud computing. Our goal is to reduce the friction of transitioning by providing a complete end-to-end solution with a single point of accountability for a fixed low monthly fee.

Our solution replaces your existing desktop computers and the software they run with updated cloud-based versions. The experience is the same, but you’ll be running the most up-to-date versions of all your software on state-of-the-art hardware on a fully managed network

Request A Quote

Complete the attached and we’ll get you a preliminary estimate. Your final proposal will require a no-obligation network audit. 

Calculate your Savings

The cost and complexity of IT services are well known, and are reasons for seeking cost-effective alternatives. Kloudation has taken a completely different approach to virtual desktops, offering a simple, turnkey cloud desktop service that alleviates IT burden and delivers levels of business agility that have not been possible until now. This calculator will help you calculate the potential ROI of a Kloudation solution over traditional IT services.

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